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March On PVNH 2022-2024

  #MarchOnPVNH Sage was diagnosed with PVNH at only 5 months old and soon after I discovered a PVNH Facebook group. I then learned about the PVNH awareness month and knew it would be so therapeutic for me to participate. It has been a yearly tradition for me ever since then and we are on our third year of participating in the #MarchOnPVNH awareness month campaign. It has been so good for me to have a platform to share each part of our story and how it has impacted our lives. Periventricular Nodular Heterotopias was Sage’s second diagnosis, and it was our biggest push into the special needs world and made her Epilepsy diagnosis that much more real. March has a whole new meaning for me after participating in this awareness month, and I hope you can have compassion and hopefully find something meaningful through our experience. Enjoy! 2022 March 1: Diagnosis Our diagnosis journey has been a long and complex thing this past year. We still don’t have